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Reclaiming my Dime: A Frank look at Black Women’s Pay
The annual Equal Pay Day for All is held in April, but when we look at the wage gap for women of color, the gap is far greater. According...
Power of the Digital Revolution to Close Income-Inequality Gap
Every year, our nation's oldest, most historical civil rights and urban advocacy organization publishes an annual report meant to shed...
Who Will Be the Next New York Fed President ?
William Dudley, the influential chair of the New York Federal Reserve, will retire this summer. The recruitment process to select a new...
Five Little Known Facts About Black Economic History
In honor of Black History Month, here’s five, interesting little known facts about the economic contributions and strides of African...
ASSA 2018 Recap
Last weekend, the American Economic Association, alongside 58 other associations in related disciplines, held their annual Allied Social...
What is Economics ? Why is it Important ?
Economics teaches us that the most pressing issue of our society is the issue of scarcity. As agents seek to maximize their utility, they...
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